Your theme must support app blocks (Shopify Online Store 2.0)
Go to "Settings" > "Discount Tables" > "Placement" in our app where you can enable using app blocks.
When you are editing an offer, the configuration of the discount table is no different than before app blocks. The app block part is just for placement on the product page as described below.
Customizing Your Theme
Click "Online Store" in your Shopify admin dashboard and then select "Customize" for your current theme.
Select the product template you would like to edit. This example will be selecting the default product template to display the discount table.
Add the "Discount Table" listed under "Apps" anywhere you would like on the page by clicking "Add block" if you are adding to an existing section, or "Add Section" if you are adding it as a new section.
You will only see the discount table show up if the product you are viewing in the theme editor has an active discount offer and has the discount table enabled in our app.